
What is going on in my yard??

Discovered all of these small branches below the tree. Not from a storm or wind. Wondering if maybe a deer is eating from it but it’s pretty high up.

by somebodysproblems


  1. tmoneyfish

    Squirrels could be breaking those off and dropping them

  2. Top_Carpet_7866

    Looks like a case of Schistosomiasis 🤔

  3. Revolutionary-Fun227

    Squirrels nipping off branches to build nests .

  4. Shleebicus

    My parents had something similar happen a few years ago, it ended up being a porcupine.

  5. A_Harmless_Fly

    Yeah, I’d bet tmoneyfish is right. I’ve watched squirrels make nest’s before, and they drop ~60% of what they try to make their nest of.

  6. CrashTestDuckie

    Have you had wind or storms roll through lately? Usually after a strong storm you will see small branches like that all around that were too weak to hold up against the wind

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