Vegetable Gardening

What’s wrong with my bell pepper?

It's been a week of hot and humid weather here in northern Virginia followed by a day of HEAVY thunderstorms. Should I salvage this by harvesting my orange bell pepper early?

by camillefl0


  1. Numerous-Stranger-81

    The initial scarring is caused by UV damage and left it vulnerable to rot which is exacerbated by the humidity.

  2. TheDonkeyBomber

    Could be the sun, could be a bug bite sorta thing. I’ve been using [these mesh bags]( for two years now and bag every pepper and tomato because every single one used to get a spot or two like that. They all come out perfect now. The 6″x10″ are great for individual fruits and the 10″x14″ are great for clusters and the larger tomatoes.

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