Native Plant Gardening

Crying into my lone survivor mountain mint today as I woke up to a total deer-led massacre of sunchokes, coneflowers, and more. Thank you for always being there mountain mint

The deer even ripped apart my prickly pear that I foolishly thought was robust enough to have its cage removed. I hate to be the junk house in the neighborhood with cheap fencing rigged up everything but alas. Lesson learned.

by StellarStowaway


  1. starting-out

    Oh, so sorry about this. Here is a big hug…
    I’ve been in this situation, crying over half-dead plants and shrubs, that deer left behind.

    The only thing that helped me is fencing small areas with 4-5 ft tall black wire fence (or sturdy black plastic wire fence). I was astonished to see the growth after only one season in a fenced area. This might not be cheap, but find a way to fence small areas and watch your plants thriving.

  2. Frequent_Secretary25

    Your mountain mint is gorgeous though!

  3. Rectal_Custard

    How aggressive is this mountain mint? I just planted it hoping it really goes a little crazy and fills up space

  4. ironyis4suckerz

    I have bunnies that destroy my plants. I have to be very careful about what I plant or the money is basically down the toilet! I’m sorry for your plant loss!

  5. _TxMonkey214_

    Deer are a nuisance at best. With the rise of wasting disease, they should be culled.

  6. BalognaSpumoni

    Beautiful! I started some mountain mints from seed a couple years ago and they are coming in slowly but surely. Looking forward to when they look like this!

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