Japanese Garden


Hello YouTube I’m Pete the tattoo gardener today were detailing a drive to smarten up the entrance to my clients property

We also talk about supporting each other instead of some of the negative things that seem to crop up let’s spread the positivity

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🌳 keep believing in your vision and your goals if you chase your dreams your more likely to succeed don’t listen to those who say anything negative 💪🏼

I believe in you all

PETE 💚 #garden #gardentips #toptips #buisnessadvice #workhard #work #gardening #youtube #subscribe #howto #fyp #viral #lawncare #landscape #vanchat #van #powertools

hi guys welcome to the video it’s Tuesday I didn’t work yesterday I kind of took Monday off and extended my weekend I had such a good weekend and I just didn’t want it to end so I’m going to be working down here today and what the customer said is can we go along pull out brambles and stuff like this I mean it doesn’t look too bad visually but as you walk down you start to see bit sticking out I mean look there’s another bit of Bramble there so just literally go along with a seers and snip out bits of Bramble and stuff like that he’s asked us if we can have a little STM tidy up the leaves underne cut the grass either side which is fine I use the Honda rzy for that yeah we’re going to mow all this tidy all this up and the main bit that I think going to make a really big impact there’s this bit down here by the gate we’ve got a little bit of Ivy on the fence we got loads of Leaves we got loads of weeds under here so I want to get all this nice and tidy we’ve also got leaves in here and some weed so he said clear this get it nice and tidy and I’ve got a load of Chip barking to put down over the top we’ve got a rose which again he said isn’t really doing anything so all the weed the Bramble and the the rose here we’re just going to chop it back and just so the fence is exposed and it will just look really nice and tidy a a that’s really sharp oh oh that was really sharp I’m going to have to take my glove off I swear that Thorns going right through my finger it’s one of them as well that it will just be in my thumb it will be so deep and I won’t be able to get it out and it will just bug me for days oh that was really sharp just need to man up and get on of it [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] right cold start first pull let’s go get off Hond don’t let me down [Music] [Applause] right last job to do just need to go along pull the IV off the fence here and then get the uh chipping down in that little bit and we are looking good this is the entrance to my customers property but they haven’t asked me to do it but I think just because I’m working out the front of here today I might just tidy up this little bit for him as well so he didn’t mention it but I feel like going the extra mile for my client today right I’m just going to have a quick coffee quick coffee and a little chat to you guys just quickly having a spot of lunch mate I was pouring a coffee look what I’ve done what an idiot I’m so stupid oh was popping my mug up there and I hit the steering wheel and I just spilled like coffee everywhere mate we were talking about this on Saturday when we had our little YouTube meet up I’m not going to name names but I’m going to say there’s a negative person on YouTube just sits in this V moaning we’re gardeners we’re all going to be doing the same sorts of jobs on this platform right whether it’s on this platform or in the gardens or whatever we’re all gardeners we’re all going to be mowing lawns we’re all going to be cutting Hedges we’re all going to be doing border work we’re all going to be doing bed work we’re all going to be doing jet washing throughout the Year we’re all going to be doing similar sorts of jobs and videos so it’s really nice that we can come on here on this platform share our experiences and share the way we do things because let’s face it the way you do a job might be different to how I do a job and that’s great and that’s cool and I love to see your spin on it and I love to see his spin on it and his spin on it and I like to share how I do it as well you know it’s nice that we can all do things differently and share our experiences so we’re all doing similar sorts of jobs so um you know when this idiot comes out and he sits in his van he’s going oh these other YouTubers it’s laughable they’re all copying my videos like mate nobody’s copying your videos you know I watch so many creators on YouTube and we’re all doing the similar sorts of videos you know it’s just mental that this one individual thinks that everyone’s copying I’m going to string off a list of YouTube channels now that I absolutely love okay so Steven cheese love him The Kilted Gardener love him Lewis Garden Services one of my favorites on YouTube love Nathan great guy Leah lhl you know Harley HD Garden Care there is a whole list MD G Services Mark but anyway the point is there’s all these amazing channels and all these amazing platforms there people are sharing their their work and their content and everything I see is really positive and upbeat and I find it inspiring watching you creators I love making my own videos and I love love you know interacting in the comments with the amazing people that watch the videos and subscribe and all that stuff it’s just amazing no one’s copying anyone we’re all on this platform we’re all putting our own little spin on things and we’re all having a good time and that’s what it’s all about having a good time being positive helping each other out anyway hope everyone’s having a great day time to crack on with the rest of the video I have to pull my trousers up like Simon cow because they’re so big you through to the next round you can’t go around taking Ivy off the fence like me you know blowing me I’ll take offense to that right guys I’m exhausted I’m done right let me do a little walk around with you so we started off by taking all the Bramble out from the Hedge all the way along strimming underneath getting rid of the leaves we’ve cut the grass and strm the edges down this side strimmed around the trees we’ve taken the worst of the IV off the fence as well so it looks a little bit smarter then we get down here again same thing leaves tidy underneath all the brambles that were sticking out worst of the iyo fence cleared the leaves weeded under here we’ve weeded this section as well cleared all the leaves and the muck and we’ve put all this lovely chip barking down so say it looks a little bit nicer now here we’ve done all the uh brownble weeds and the dead rose that was in front of the fence as well so um yeah as you can see looks a lot neater and a lot tidier now technically it is like a Shar Drive between my customer the one here on the left hand side and the little farmouse in the middle ultimately it’s normally my customer that pays me to keep the drive looking tidy and that you know right I’m just about done for the day I honestly can’t tell you how much I love those people I’m going to end the video here if you’re new and haven’t subscribed please do man it would be so good to have you guys tag along if you like the video give it a big fat thumbs up and if you got any comments about you know the work I’ve done hope you guys have had an amazing day see you guys on the next video you’re all amazing thank you so much for watching take care peace out


  1. Nice video Pete , tidy job , and yes everyone will have a certain way of working it’s each to their own what ever works for you some may strim 1st before mowing others may strim last think I do both on certain days but dose not matter , I don’t understand why people have to put others down .

  2. You've got to laugh when some people think there's no work to do in winter. Even some so called gardener's say it. 😉 No names. Another good one Pete, sounded like brands hatch around there. ATB 👍

  3. I would love to do my spin of things for YouTube videos I’m based in Scotland and but I’m a bit nervous about the videoing side of things, I’ve got a hayter 48 I’ve done a few time lapses and it’s satisfying

  4. I’ve watched a couple of your videos and you do a great job of tidying gardens. Have you thought about doing vlogs on how to prune roses, both climbers versus ramblers and different types of shrub roses. Wisteria pruning and different types of flowering shrubs and fruit trees and other garden trees?
    It’s good to get advice from a professional gardener showing pruning techniques and showing the results of your pruning.
    Keep up the good work and flying the flag for gardeners. 👍

  5. You do work at some nice properties mate. 
    That new jacket you have is very similar to mine 🤔 
    you aren’t copying me are you ? 🙄

  6. Yes Pete, I love the fact you bring this up. We all have our own video styles that differ slightly from one another. At the end of the day, we all cut grass how much different can you make that. we all use the same brand of tools and techniques to get the job done, we may even drive the same van… so I'm not surprised we make similar videos. We all provide different experiences to the watcher, some of us are more educational, some do raw format, and others are more personality-based.

    We should all make similar videos to keep the community on the same page and work together to provide the community with a pleasant positive area to enjoy content they can relate to and feel a part of. Why keep so us divided when we can share experience, knowledge and contacts to provide better videos and become better YouTubers and businessmen at the end.

    TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK – Rome was not built by one man.

  7. grate video mate , do you guys have any videos about your meet up, , i found that wearing Bahco 4750-BWC-1 Black Padded Adjustable Work Braces With Heavy Duty Trouser Clipsthe best thing i ever did , stops your kidneys being exposed to the elements and getting a chill , you never have to pull your trousers up ever again , ps your next tattoo needs to be a liver bird , maybe one on van , lol have a great week

  8. I don't know why anyone would be against someone "copying" them, if it was me, I'd feel privileged that you used me as inspiration to better yourself… Everyone should be working together and bouncing off eachother to better themselves and also this community as a whole i think 🤔

  9. Good content 👍🏻 i know exactly who you mean his videos/chats were really good at the start now he just seems to put out bitter content.

  10. Love the videos Pete. I recently got myself a set of power pruners. They take the makita batteries I currently have for all my gear and oh my god what a massive difference after a couple of hours pruning a huge overgrown apple tree. It was on the same day my small chipper decided to not play ball so I just cracked on bagging all the branches. Didn't want to get bogged down fixing the chipper. If I was using normal secutars my hands would have been dying by the end of it. £23 delivered my newest favourite piece of kit. Well worth it even if they die in a season I'll be happy. Between them and the mini chainsaw they save the body so much pain.

  11. Nice work, just need the rain to stop now, got soaked again yesterday. Sounds like a certain mow blow and go specialist has too much time on his hands. What with there being no work till March and all that😂
    Onwards and upwards!

  12. we have started using those green bags, they are so useful, I think all us gardener know all to well the pain of thorns

  13. Some shared drives may be owned by one person, my step dad owns the shared drive, the neighbours have right of access, but he maintains the drive, I love watching other gardeners work and listening to their point of views. thanx for the mention

  14. Great job Pete
    Like you said we are all doing the same stuff. Everyone just take a slightly different approach. I try to keep my videos fairly raw and basic. Other people like yourself do a bit more of a chat etc. it’s great to see what everyone does and how they go about .
    Sorry I’m a bit behind on the videos 😄👍

  15. Great work on your channel.Were all doing the same stuff as gardeners.The negative people are riddled with jealousy.👍👍

  16. Another great video Pete as always 👍nearly time to get right back into yet I can’t wait 👍Have a great week 👍

  17. Hi The tattoo gardener. I’m just starting out my very small gardening business in prep for my retirement plans. Love your vids and grateful for any advice. The garden of Kent gardener 👍🏻

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