
Do I need to do anything?

Bought and planted some dahlia tubers this year, (Zone 5b) and now I’m a bit confused here. Obviously they’re growing, but I’ve seen comments/posts on here about trimming/cutting. I can’t figure out if I should do it, or where I should do it if I do need to.

My question is, if I just leave them be, what happens? Will they just produce one single flower? If I cut/trim do they make more flowers? I tried to decipher a diagram I saw on a different comment on here about when/where to cut but it just didn’t make sense to me. Right now I’m just letting them do their thing. I’m likely not going to be harvesting these for any bouquets (but who knows). I just think they’re pretty flowers and I haven’t ever grown them before. They were an impulse buy on sale at my local garden store.

by misplacedbass

1 Comment

  1. sheepknitwa

    I’d say it’s looking great. You can also pinch (look through the feed there’s a ton of info). I never pinch mine and get great yields of flowers, but i may try this year as I’m planning on selling cut flowers. Congrats on your new plant babys!

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