Container Gardening

Container Gardening Basics

Grow Big in Small Spaces: Container Gardening 101!

Hello again, my green-thumbed friends! Welcome back to Granny’s Guide to Urban Gardening. I’m your host, Granny With a Green Thumb, and today we’re going to dig into the basics of container gardening.

So, you’ve found your space and gathered your containers. Now what? Let’s turn those old buckets and jars into perfect homes for your plants. You might be wondering, “Granny, can I really grow food in these?” Absolutely!

First things first, soil is the foundation of your garden. If you don’t have garden soil, no worries! You can make your own by mixing equal parts of compost, peat moss, and perlite. Don’t have those? Just start with any clean soil you can get your hands on.

Now, let’s plant something easy and rewarding—lettuce. It’s perfect for beginners and grows quickly. Here’s how you do it:
1. Fill your container with soil, leaving about an inch from the top.
2. Sprinkle lettuce seeds evenly across the soil surface.
3. Lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
4. Water gently but thoroughly.
5. Place your container in a sunny spot.

That’s it! In a few weeks, you’ll be harvesting fresh lettuce right from your container.

Today’s task is to plant your own container of lettuce. Remember, it’s all about experimenting and having fun. And hey, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need some personalized tips, I’m here for you! Book a consult with me and let’s get your garden growing together.

Don’t forget to share your progress in the comments and tune in next time when we’ll transform your balcony into a green paradise. Until then, happy planting!

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well hello again friends my gardening friends how are you I hope you got your task done and your containers ready so welcome to Granny’s guide to Urban gardening I’m your host granny with a green thumb and today we’re going to be digging into the basics of container garden so I hope you found your space you’re standing in mine this is exactly where I started my first Garden right here on this table in this window and now I have the one behind me and then I also have some oil outside so if you found your containers let’s talk a little bit because here’s what I got I have an old coffee cup I’ve never used I’m going to plant some Rego in this I have an old nut container so I poked those in the bottom this would be perfect with some lettuce my ACT is some reddish in here I found a no container from a pot flour pot filled it up with dirt too so we’re going to take these containers and we’re going to turn them into a perfect comb for your plants so you you might be wondering yo can I really grow food in theirs I know you’ve seen people that have done it and yes you can you absolutely can grow food in any container that you can put dirt in into seed and water and as long as you’ve got light so first things first we want to talk about soil all right we talked about that yesterday a little bit um I use seed starter when I do do my seeds like this for outdoors which I will be doing to plant some green beans since I can’t get outdoors with my foot but I also have potty mix and I also have Peete Ms which I’m going to use those in my potato bags for another episode so right now what I did I just took dirt from outside and shoved it in here I had some an old PL plant in here so I shook the plant out gave it some a little bit of pee Moss mixed it up in here and it’s good to go so fill the dirt from outside that’s I mean growing up on a farm we didn’t use Pete Moss or mer row we use dirt dirt and manure is what we use for our fertilizer so you want to fill your container with soil you want to leave about an inch from the top which I’ve already done here which you can see okay now and I’ve already watered this a little bit so I’m going to give it just a little bit more water just to moisten the top and you want to sprinkle your lettuce seeds lettuce is one of the easiest things to grow I am not using lettuce I am using radish because I need to get more radish in here so you just take your seeds and you don’t really even pay attention to what it says for the separating M that’s more for farmers and we’re not farming we’re just planting seeds right so you just want to sprinkle them on try to make them even and radish grows really fast and so does lettuce so you can top that with a little bit more heat Moss if you want to or you can just gently Pat that down and sprinkle some more water on it you do not want to overwater okay and then this is about having fun and don’t if they if they don’t grow don’t fill them one year I planted 78 containers I got them all screwed up with the germination and Ed up having to repot everything so we’re here to learn and ging is fun and that’s what makes it so much fun so take your plant stick it in the window and let’s Get Growing together and if you’ve got any questions book a consult with me it’s in my links schedule some time let’s talk about what kind of garden you want and don’t forget to share your progress here show me your pictures of what you’ve done today and I will show you mine when I get done as well I will drop them in the comments so show me your pictures trans from your balcony your window seal your space wherever it is just make sure it’s got light and show me some pictures and come back here tomorrow and we’re going to talk some more about planting your garden

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