
what type is this and pls help

hello hello, my previous roommate abandoned a few of her houseplants when she moved out, one of which being this philodendron. ive used a plant id app multiple times over the course of having it and gotten different types of philodendron every time…. i'm wondering if anyone knows what specific type it is? (also hopefully it is actually one so i dont look stupid haha)
i also want to replant it, but it seems to have only barely survived the winter after i moved (the new leaf baby has stayed the same size for months and i had to cut off a leaf that was dying) i dont know how the root system looks and im really scared to just straight up kill the plant by trying to change anything…. i wish i had repotted it before moving when it was doing the best its ever done
so any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated so i can hopefully save it! (im also planning to put it back outside now that its warm because it definitely seemed happier last summer on my porch in pretty much full sunlight and heat)
pls dont tell me the dots on the leaves mean shes hopeless 😭😭 ive also removed damaged leaves over time that were a loss so that her energy wasnt spent on them

by daisyrays628

1 Comment

  1. devvilish

    This is a jungle boogie. It’s a hybrid species. Spots are normal. She just needs a good drink (water till water comes out the bottom then stop) and maybe a fertilizer. You want to look for one with low K/potassium.

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