
Older leaves curling?

I’m fairly new to Calathea. I have a C. setosa that only the older leaves are curling. My other two are showing no curling on older leaves. They’re all in the same soil mix and all receive RO water with 1/2 dose of fertilizer. I started with full dose of fertilizer and burned my white star pretty badly.
What causes leaf curling for just the older leaves?

by Aquasplendens


  1. mochicrunch_

    How often do you water the setosa? Curly leaves could be a sign of over or under watering. They tend to be more forgiving if you underwater. I have a larger one and I sometimes don’t water her for about a month to six weeks. As long as the soil is slightly moist it’s fine.

    Are those grow lights on consistently? It could also be getting too much light consistently. They tend to like day/night cycles.

  2. ansmith100317

    That pink girl- I’m telling you she is TOXIC! I’m about to send mine away after years of feeling inadequate 🥲 my other calatheas are all alive and well, so I blame HER! 😅😭

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