Gardening UK

What is the yellow and black menace?

…and how do I remove it from my lavender 😉

The whole place is buzzin’ ☺️

by Outside-After


  1. Hedgerow_Snuffler

    You are fucking joking right? I mean… this is a joke?

    Edit, Nevermind.

  2. Few-Philosopher1879

    Just flick them away with your finger. Call for the ambulance before you do it though.

  3. Moiukal

    You love to see it, nothing beats planting for nature and seeing it come into fruition. Lovely photo

  4. vonvampyre

    Gotta be a joke? Get rid of the bees/Hornets? They keep your flowers growing and glowing.

  5. ChumChumMagoo

    Welcome back my buzzy little buddies!! I saw my first few bees around my lavender today too!

  6. Wild_Whitmore

    Just bought myself some Munstead lavender. Can’t wait to get it in the ground but need some prep work before I do. How do you get rid of excess soil without having to load it in your car to take to the tip!

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