
Pour One Out For Our Fallen Soldier

Between the cement, rocks, and hackjob I’m pretty sure the owner has a personal vendetta against this tree.

by alder2390


  1. BigPillLittlePill

    Isn’t this the home of the guy who said, in rich you’re not?

  2. throwaway392145

    I’m not an arborist, but Ive worked in front of enough fancy houses to be able to guess, this person said;

    “I don’t want to cut down the tree, but sometimes leaves fall on my driveway, and I have to drive over them and get leaf juice on my tires before the help I mean the lawn care company can come blow them off my driveway. Do you think you can help me out with that?”

    The arborist, trying not to take a chainsaw to some vital organ or another, knowing the tree is standing dead or waiting to die, ensures an extra callback and some easy money. Deservedly, because sometimes a fool and their money really are easily parted.

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