Gardening UK

Three baby mice found in our grain store

Sorry, only marginally relevant to the sub, but had to share these sweet babies.

Although whilst I am here, I may as well ask if anyone has an issue with moles at the monent? We have an adundance in our garden (and we don't mind them), but we have found several over the last few weeks dead above ground, and without any external wound. Is this normal?

by trcocam29


  1. Ok-Fox1262

    The question everyone wants to know is……

    Did you chop off their fails with a carving knife?

  2. bachobserver

    I would set up a room in my house for them tbh. Too cute!

  3. NotoriusPCP

    Imagine living in a house where the floor was doughnuts and 5 metres thick. Absolutely living the dream.

  4. LeyLeyNie

    What an adorable “problem” 🤭

    By the way, whereabouts are you that has this abundance of moles? We’re in Central Scotland and my daughter is in a serious mole mania and she’d not seen a single one in our garden or in any parks yet. Maybe we need a field trip.

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