
Why do people volcano trees!

I work at a college and we have several large projects going on. Check out the volcano mulch trees!

by Thekindone44


  1. PoopKnaf

    Because it’s less maintenance. Not that I agree with doing it, but when trees get planted businesses and universities don’t usually have the time to keep coming back to re mulch things or clean up weeds and such. They do it because it’s lazy and prevents weeds and additional re mulching. It’s the new construction way of doing things. Worse for the tree, but not the end of the world. In the end the tree will be fine.. not perfect, but fine.

  2. Living_Associate_611

    The also keep those support T-posts in forever

  3. BuzzyScruggs94

    Because they ordered too much mulch and have to make it disappear.

  4. Anxious_Ad_3570

    Well, I’ve learned that you want to keep the root ball at least a couple inches above grade. It helps the roots get more oxygen? Idk. But the reason the mulch gets so high is a couple different reasons. As the tree grows so do the roots and it expands in all directions. Also if they pay a company to keep up on the mulch, they just keep piling more on top every year because that’s the most time friendly thing to do and the workers typically don’t give a shit. They’re just getting their job done. Mulch needs to be taken out every so often if it doesn’t break down and that takes time and energy . I’ve been landscaping for about 15 years now

  5. Depends on the installer. This can be the final install due to laziness / uneducated contractor.


    The Root Ball of the transplanted tree is not very large, and newly transplanted trees take a great deal of water to ensure survival.

    These “volcanoes” are usually meant to be temporary, to aid in watering efforts so that the water is going 100% to the tree roots, and immediate area around the rootball.

    Watering trucks / drivers aren’t cheap, and if the site isn’t irrigated, that truck will be making visits for a couple weeks, potentially longer.

    Volcanoes are usually removed, end of that transplant season. And shaped into a proper tree well or bed.

  6. Business-Werewolf995

    A little extra in case of settling overtime but I think people like the look.

  7. Thekindone44

    I should also note that the same contractors have failed to remove the burlap and wires from
    multiple trees that have already died. Mulch volcanos come from people who have no idea wtf they are doing.

  8. The_Poster_Nutbag

    Because they just don’t know.

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