Garden Plans

NEW BUILD GARDEN UK updates & garden kitchen plans!

We hope you like the new plants we’ve added to the bottom of the garden, we’ll keep you updates as they grow as usual haha! Hoping the bushes grow up the fence a bit to add something to the area. Let us know if you have any more ideas on how we can utilise the space down there. Also can’t wait to take you to Italy with us very soon & then it’ll be back home to get started on the garden kitchen!

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today we’re back in the garden welcome back to our YouTube channel if you’re new here welcome to the family those of you guys that have seen our garden might have noticed we’ve been neglecting the back part the grassy part of I’ve been I’ve been working hard on the grass You’ been you have been working hard on the grass it is bit of air we need to give it a bit of a glow up that’s what we’re going to do today and also I think you’re going to show these guys the plans for the garden kitchen yeah I’m going to show you some plans and some design ideas of what I’m going to do for the outdoor kitchen so keep watching if you are new to the channel we live in a three bed semi- detached newbuild house it was built by Lynden Holmes and last year Joe decided that he wanted to completely transform the garden so with the help of his dad my dad his uncle a diggar they managed to transform our garden with a massive Hill in it to a split level patio garden with steps and beautiful big planters we’ve been for a run this morning and my belly’s rumbling don’t know about yours I’m I feel I’m watering away we’ve got some ingredients to make a smooth why did you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] doing top tip by the way because this smoothie bowl is runny cuz we’ve used whey protein powder if you get vegan protein powder you don’t get that like runny smoothie effect yeah it’s running we need to get some more vegan don’t we the Smoothie Bar it’s definitely better right we are back at the place that we got the big pot for the Olive Tree a couple of weeks back so some of you guys might remember it’s called savin’s nurseries I feel like we’re cheating on our usual Hudson plants but like we said before I’ve never actually been into this one we got some pots outside yeah we’ve not actually seen the plants have we so when we came here we were like oh there is a lot of plants here maybe we should have a look also they’ve got some pleach trees which some of you mentioned in the comments about putting them at the back of our garden doing this little glow up probably will be like able to scope out a little bit of what we actually want down there we really want to do those trees but those trees are really expensive I don’t know if any of you guys have looked at them before but they’re not cheap it’s going to cost us like 500 yeah so we’re kind of like holding out it’s just not really the right time for us to buy them but you never know annoyingly because it’s the right time to plant them yeah look what we’ve just spotted these olive trees gu how much um 60 quid no it isn’t shut up oh sorry 795 795 slightly different wow £800 look at it though it’s really old old and old and cute wow all right Savin here we come I always love like these but I think they get eaten by like box moths or something cuz I always noticed they’re like yeah oh look at this that’s weird it’s like hairy that is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen it looks like your head so you’re saying my head looks like PUK that’s out of water oh I love this look at yeah looks like a bed something yeah oh there’s a cat hey Cat [Music] [Music] [Music] if you could select any plant in here that was me which would it [Music] be that one oh no I’m just joking you just basically walked into that one I knew any plant any plant that I can choose that would be yeah peachy peachy colored one peach you like Peach don’t you I do and you know what we’re going to a wedding on Friday and I’m wearing that exact color yeah so there we go does that is that approved yeah that’s approved better than the cactus cool is that yeah that’s all cool it’s like a plaque Twisted T tan twister that’s so cool that is cool you should have got that of the Olive Tree it’s cheaper in the jungle [Music] [Laughter] so I am not the biggest fan ever of Jasmine well I am cuz it smells nice but I mean the flowers are like you know tiny but Joe has said it probably would be really good up the post that we did in the DIY video and I think he’s right so we put that post in the in the planter been looking for something to plant in the planter to climb up the post yeah is everen as well so we probably should go adjustment right it’s twisted my arm and it’s already like pretty much grown enough that we can grow it up already yeah like we can just attach it to the post straight away and we’re going to plant these in the bottom of the garden with the bushes right we’re back from the garden center how many more garden centers are we going to go to on this YouTube series I don’t know just going to give you an update on the plants as I always do because there are a few that are looking really pretty so we’ve discovered that these are absolutely amazing so we’ve got this purple one if you don’t have any of these I don’t know how you pronounce them ALR area alom area someone correct me please um but if you don’t have any of these in your garden highly recommend them because we’ve got these purple ones which I just think are stunning and then also the pink ones have started coming com out as well and oh my gosh look how gorgeous that is but they’re just so pretty and they come back every year look at me trying to pretend that I know what I’m talking about I don’t but they are gorgeous also guys we had our first sweet piece little bud there and another one down here this has honestly done so well a lot of you guys will know that this was planted the day that my granny passed because it’s her favorite flowers and I’m so happy with it I’m really excited to see more flowers come out so in the Garden today this is the section that we’re talking about down here if you are new to the channel then you probably wouldn’t have seen our garden before Joey’s been trying to sort the grass out for the past basically year because we ruined it didn’t we doing the actual I me renovation at one point literally had a digger here like with like the tracks and he was like going around and like just literally chewed it up chewed the whole thing up so it’s actually phenomenal that you’ve managed to get it to this point what we’re going to do is actually take out so this is a bush and that is a bush and we didn’t realize that when we bought them because we haven’t got a clue what we’re doing so we’re going to take those out and we’re also we’re also going to take this out because that roaded endrum needs more space going to cut a line across here and then this bit will just be like we’ll have the the shrubs these shrubs plant this in that flower bed as well as the two daisies are they daisies Gerber daisies yeah jber daisies we’re going to plant those in with the shrub so yeah yeah it just be it would just add a little bit more down there and hopefully like the um bushes will grow kind of up that fence a little bit as well cuz they’ll have a lot more space Joe was talking earlier about the screening trees they’ve only been there a year and they’ve grown loads so we would love to get those all the way across here we was saying earlier about not picking up my stuff and putting it places yeah where are my car keys in the Box that the car keys belong what’s in the car the plants all the stuff that we need yeah why did I leave my keys out I don’t I don’t like why ke some might car this is a Q&A so I ask questions you answer okay here’s my answer why did I leave my keys out because that’s silly because I needed to get into my car yeah but you it’s been about an hour anyone could in your car we’ been back 10 minutes no I’m sorry but keyless entry cars you got to keep them in a Faraday Box Joe doesn’t ever pay put it in the Box no I do every time I and I need to go my car no you don’t [Music] that looks much better than just a plain white post you definitely pulled my arm with the Jasmine Joe so twist I actually quite like it now it’s on there and the fact it’s like Evergreen I think is nice cuz defitely otherwise it would look a bit weird in the win flowers come out as well we’ve got Joe’s um family coming around for a barbecue tomorrow so we want to get our garden looking nice ready to show them don’t we none of them have been here like since we’ve been doing it up have they so they’re going to see it tomorrow we’ll get that on for sure hopefully it doesn’t rain no it won’t it’s going to be it’s going to be like super sunny and hot tomorrow is it yeah probably don’t need the fire bit then any tips on Jasmine let us now we also mentioned in a video a few weeks ago about these two pots here I suggested that we move one of them to over there or since then we’ve had an idea of putting it the other side of the gate so I’m GNA do that now just so this area is like pretty pretty much done come to think of it I actually don’t think it looks that great there so I’m going to try it over there in between the step and the gutter I definitely think it looks better with one over there so we need to find a home for this one that looks fine you think that looks right it’s like either side of the gate isn’t it yeah no I think it probably hides that horrible gutter yeah I think that’s good for now yeah better than two better than two there I’m struggling today struggling my time in the month so if you see me passed out in the corner then you know why you can just spectate for today I just laay down for like a second and I was it that oh no I think I’m going to fall asleep wow the hay fever is hay fevering I don’t know if you can see literally my eyes will not stop streaming past 2 days has been intense with hay fever also it’s absolutely boiling this morning we went on a run and it was literally raining and now it’s absolutely boiling outside so I’m just putting my hair up cuz I’m sweating out there like you know when your sunglasses are like sliding off your face cuz you’re so hot yeah I don’t know why my hair fever is so bad I’ve taken two of those allevia tablets people that have hay fever you’ll know what they are they’re like the strongest ones that you can get in the shops and they still don’t work I actually don’t like taking medication at all I’m really funny about it um I’m very much like one of those people that tries to have everything natural um but hey fever for some reason I just can’t [Music] kick Jo’s just been taking out this part which we’re going to use he’s just used a little edger to make the edge all the way along and then you just basically taking the grass out taking the grass out yeah B the Builder can we fix it B the build of the [Music] Bey I next to neighbor’s Stones were coming through because of course knee build fence doesn’t actually touch the ground so Joe’s just nailed a um a bit of wood to stop that I’m just having a look like down here whilst Joe’s doing that and kind of wondering how we could utilize this space because I just feel like it’s such a waste of the garden what I’m thinking is when that has got all like lovely plants we don’t want to just never see them so we could potentially Jo needs to sort this shed out cuz it’s like rotting but we could potentially maybe have like one of those swinging benches or something here so you could like sit here and like look at the Garden and obviously all the lovely plants that we’re going to put here and read a book that would be quite nice if anyone’s got any other ideas for like this area of the garden please let us know and I know some of you guys are going to be thinking get a hook tub but we’re not going to get a hook tub because number one we’re just not that Bouie and number two it’s not very private in a new build area I feel like that’s maybe one for our forever home maybe we’ll get a hot tub but also you got to upkeep it so like clean it that’s stage one complete we now have a nice little border at the edge I’ve left it just as a plain border and going to hopefully try and keep it nice and straight God it looks like a Jung off in our garden by the way is it yeah that’s what we want yeah right now got to get the shrubs out of the planter and plan that out where we’re going to put them yeah so I get my garden gloves on yeah you get your gardening gloves on [Music] darling guys the new build laziness strikes again look what we’ve just found you barely even went under the grass did you not all there’s a house brick that just trucked in the garden that is so [Music] annoying as we’re doing this and the ground is really hard Joe just said they reminded him of when we were on the farm those of you that are quite new to the channel might not know that we lived in Australia for a couple of years together and we had to do like 3 months farmw work in the middle of the Outback um and there was a time where me and Joe would be like on a team together and he would have the shovel and I would be like what did I do like pull the plastic up or something and one time we were doing it and we found a brown snake didn’t we yeah and we had to tell the farmer we were like oh my I literally nearly threw up because Joe like put his shovel and I was like Jo there’s a brown snake if you don’t know what a brown snake is it’s really deadly and um luckily the brown snake was like really I think it was really lethargic we were absolutely fine though the farmer managed to like shovel the snake and Chuck it to the other Farm but um yeah it’s just really funny thinking back I definitely think this leaping is going to look a lot nicer down here against the fence and then hopefully the bushes grow up a bit Yeah I think that’ll make this part of the garden a lot nicer actually once it all grows up I’m going to plant this morning sun in here because we’ve got a gap here now and I feel like that will look really nice with like the purple white and then obviously the orange and the lavender [Music] the thought of you keep running through my mind I had to pull the blood this time it was all good till the love gave in Girl Walk oh walk I’ll never fall for you type again girl right I was just getting the top soil ready right to put in the planter and I found something in it in what in the top soil how how your hand is that someone’s nail what the hell it’s a fake nail what the hell how is that was that in a bag someone’s literally been like sifting through that top soil with a blood glue on nail oh my God prank what the hell what the hell was that in a bag it was in the bag of top toil but it’s like it’s packaged up right in the bag like so someone in the Factory’s lost a nail someone in the factory shouldn’t be wearing them Nails after that to that fingernail found in the top soil I just wanted to show you because little bit more aesthetically pleasing with the top soil instead of just the standard soil that was down here and cuz we got two bags I used the rest of the other one just to top up what was in these Planters because it was starting to sink a little bit and I think we’re just going to need to top it up every now and again I think Bon’s inside making some food cuz I can smell it so I’m going to get these boots off we’re bringing out the workers their lunch oh look at that here you go oh look at that for us Anie look at that for thank you than W up look at that be has just given Millie a bath look at that you needed that didn’t you [Applause] I am going to be going to my friends now for a girl’s night and I’m not feeling well at all I said earlier it’s my time of the month and I sometimes they’re fine and then I’ll just get the occasional one that literally wipes me out like I genuinely feel like I could just go to bed right now and fall asleep until tomorrow um so I’m going to go and get some chocolate from the shop and then see how I feel yeah I’m not feeling great at all and we’ve got Joe’s family over for a barbecue tomorrow so I want to be like on top form and also we’ve got a really busy week coming up we’ve got a wedding it’s actually more like a two-day wedding I’m going to hospital on Monday which I will probably chat to you guys about actually in probably a couple of weeks time maybe in Italy we’ll talk about that um but yeah I’m going to a hospital on Monday and then got work two weddings and then on the Sunday next week we’re spreading my granny and granddad’s ashes which is about 2 hours away that we’re doing that and then we literally fly to Italy really early on the Monday morning do we need to get a train as well I don’t think we’re that early okay cuz otherwise we would have been we not getting well what um what airport are we flying from St stad so we’re going to get the train but it’s going to be a hectic couple of weeks basically well a hectic week until we get to Italy and then we can chill out this is actually the first holiday that we’ve been on together for longer than like 4 days so we’ve done like obviously Budapest list beenin some stations but we haven’t been on holiday together just us two for more than like 4 days in about 5 years long time yeah been on holidays but they’ve been like with other people like with family obviously like friends anyway we’re going to pick up the camera tomorrow and catch up with you then um ready and prep for the G gcue is what I was about to say the barbecue not the gcue oh I need to go [Music] w [Music] good morning people good morning it’s Sunday a sunny hot Sunday we made the coffee and sat out in the sun and what time was it it was like 9:00 and it was roasted it was AB actually roasting like we had to put the paraso up because it was just that hot um we’ve got my family comeing around for a barbecue today so we just popped to the shops we have so as I was saying before we were rudely interrupted by a dying camera battery got my family coming around and we’ve got a few things to do haven’t we we are we’re going to have a barbecue we’re going to have a BBQ we’ve got all the I can finally get out the lovely um like glasses all the stuff we got about six videos ago probably remember we’ve got all of like the barbecue set like the plastic kind of glass looking plastic cups all of those that we can use um them out yeah so we’re going to just be prepping some food for the next sort of hour or so yeah we’re going to make an M the nutritionist um like chicken potato thing aren’t we I made her potato salad last weekend when our friends came around and it was really yummy so we’re going to do another one of her recipes I really want to get her book actually yeah we should get her book she’s really PR good [Music] just had a thought if we last year we hosted like a family Barbecue and it was our garden transformation video reveal we filmed a reveal of the garden transformation video when we were having this barbecue yeah was that part two that no that was the first one the first one and I think we we pretty much a year to the day from then really because we went remember we went to Budapest the day after and that was at the end of June I think is mad how last year this time last year we had a barbecue and how far the gardens come since then this time last year we had finished the patio but the Planters were just bare block work we had to borrow some furniture from our mom and dad to now when we’ve got like our lovely sofa all the Planters are well half of the Planters are painted theard yeah there wasn’t even plants in the plet was there the pl plants in the garden changes the whole yeah they weren’t even PL in the planter holes it just feels mad like a year on we’ve done so much even though lot yeah we’ve done loads it’s been so nice this year to be able to actually like share the garden with friends and family and also like you guys as well cuz I feel like last year it was kind of like we just couldn’t really show you much cuz we were trying to create the videos of the actual transformation I need to show you the plans for the outdoor kitchen actually yeah we need to do that this is a sketch that I’ve done for the outdoor kitchen I’ll take you out there so it’s a bit more and be’s clanging around doing the clean the H clean it I just said I said you’re clanging around cleaning the hob I’m going to put it on casters so I can wheel it around but essentially it’s going to be along this area here there’s going to be like a one of the built-in barbecues sat into it so I need to find which one I’m going to get and then just put make a a gap for it that’s the right dimensions and then one side of this when I drew this it was going to be a cupboard but I think one side of this is going to be like log storage cuz we’ve got the fire pit now so it’s going to be open and we just put I’ll put a shelf in there and it would just have logs Stacks up in there and then one side will be there’s going to be like I’ve got a drinks fridge so I’m going to put a drinks fridge in it this back bit because the fence is fairly low this back bit is going to be bolted onto the back and it will stay on there for the majority of the time but then when we want to move it I can just remove it and take it off and then that will come up with like a a cover over it like this it will come up with a cover over it that’s obviously a very basic drawing in and then this will be like paneling so Shield off that bit and kind of close this area in and then yeah that’s kind of the plan it’s not I said it’s not a it’s not a very technical plan but the idea is to build it out of Timber so I’m going to use 4X two and build the frame out of 4X two and then sort of once I’ve got the frame on Wheels then I can kind of clad it put like whatever I want on the top and then I’m going to get some tiles like this tile the top so it be like cement board and then I’m going to do some DIY tiling so hold tight and see what see how I get on with that does anybody else do that thing where people are coming around and you’re like right I’ve got to clean clean the hob clean the sink overover the floors wipe the tops and then literally like the moment everyone’s left you have to redo the whole thing so it’s basically pointless like the whole thing is just for show and like you just do it straight away again when they leave walk in a villa no no one would even notice like like if I didn’t do it no one would even notice but I just can’t physically allow people through the door without doing it I feel like surely there’s someone out there that does the same [Music] thing life is a Winding Road no telling where it goes driving through days and nights won’t stop for traffic lights and I I really want to know really want to [Music] know if I never figure out where the road go oh that’s a barbecue wrap BARC barbecue chicken wrap just Tiding up um we just saying perfect amount of food wasn’t it yeah it was yeah it was a perfect amount and the cheesecake that Jo’s mom did lemon cheesecake it was delightful we’ve got we’ve got another we’ve got another piece which we’re going to have now yeah um yeah I was just saying there’s there’s a burger left which I’m going to I’m going to have now and then I’m going to have some cheesecake after if you having a barbecue which I’m sure a lot of people will little they have these grass-fed qu pound of burgers I think they were $2.99 very good so if you’re thinking about going to little and getting your barbecue stuff get them get the grass-fed Quarter Pounders cuz they’re really nice they were they I was like oh I don’t know if the little burgers are going to be that nice but they actually W they were feel like I’ve caught the sck we probably have we’ve been outside in the sun all day oh I just look a bit red in the camera but yeah I’m I was s cuz when you know when you we have one thing we notic y today guys we desperately need to get shade I think we might have mentioned it earlier but having people around as well like everyone was sweating we think we might one of those sails if anyone’s got one of those sails that you like hook up to the fence and the walls and stuff let us know is it any good do you like it have you got any tips cuz I think we might get one of those I’m thinking connecting it to this post here having like a triangle one that runs up and sort of joins on somewhere along that wall and then obviously anchors there so it’s like lower at the fence and it comes higher yeah like Beth said if anyone has got one of them let us know what it’s like Jo’s now watching the 50 downstairs oh anyone else’s house literally all you can hear is crowds at the moment is anyone else’s house the same I don’t actually mind that much but some nights I’m just I shut up I just wanted to say a massive thank you for for all your guys support that are watching these videos at the moment I really feel like we are trying to be more consistent with the content that we bring you every week and and I feel like we’ve built such a little family on here and I just wanted to say thank you so much for those of you that comment on the videos like the videos or even like those of you that are over on our Instagram and you send us messages we had a few of you that tagged us like painting each other which was from our last Vlog and you did like paint and sit nights and and the pictures were hilarious like honestly we were cracking up it’s just really nice to feel like we are connecting with you so if you don’t follow our Instagram by the way then head over and follow us on Instagram but yeah I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support so that is our productive family orientated weekend coming to an end thank you for watching yeah thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it drop the video a like subscribe to our Channel and come back next week for some Italian yeah come back next week for some Italian fun games bye peace [Music]


  1. Just discovered your videos on here! Love seeing all the work you’ve done on your house and garden, it’s looking amazing! 👏👏

  2. Great video guys Joes bbq game looks strong not gonna lie 😂 and the cheesecake looked to die for . Enjoy the wedding absolutely bricking it for mine this week now but at the same time excited 😂. I don’t know where you guys find the time to make these cracking videos but sure glad you do !

  3. The plants look well smart either side of the gate. The new border looks brilliant 😊 Your garden is a beautiful oasis of colour & tranquility. What a great space to relax in. I've just had a pergola installed, it has a louvered roof & I'm really happy with it. Hope you're feeling better soon Bethan. Italy sounds exciting! Take care ❤x

  4. Love all your video's but especially the garden ones as I love doing our garden up! We had the same issue with needing shade and didn't have enough anchor points for a sail so got one of the banana parasol's xx

  5. Love your garden bethan and joe the new border looks so nice a double egg chair would look nice for you both to swing in be so relaxing.
    Your bbq looked great your family must be very proud great video x x x

  6. I recommend highly to use compost on the top of topsoil as it keeps moisture much better.

  7. Wow you really are a pair of grafters! I really admire you both and the hard work you put into everything you do. It’s all looking so beautiful and your kitchen plans Joe are very clever! And yes Bethan, I also always have a massive cleaning spree when we have friends/family coming over!! 😂 😂xx

  8. You’re garden is looking good how about buying another one of those white screens and putting them long ways would look really good and would hide that ugly bit of fence there Bethan have you tried honey for hay fever it does work my eyes are really bad this year xx

  9. Have you not looked in b&m garden big for an olive tree ? They sell the littleish ones for 25pound and I'm sure a big one was 100 yeno I was gonna get one but 2 25 pound ones.
    Another brill video your garden is looking amazing 👌☺️

  10. Really hope your channel ends up going viral soon. You guys deserve more recognition; you both come across ass very genuine

  11. You're garden is looking lovely. What I'd do with the bottom part is to plant Laurels all along the fence, it's fast growing, evergreen and will soon screen out the roofs of the houses and they are cheap to buy. I'd also lift the grass and put artificial grass, it'll make the bottom part of your garden low maintenance.

  12. The garden looks so good, always live your videos. We have a sail and it's brilliant and so easy to just clip off when your not using it, just make sure you check the measurements before buying.

  13. If you want a natural remedy for hay-fever I've heard local honey can really help apparently u just eat a teaspoon or more each day. It must be something about the bees living in your area ❤❤

  14. Looks stunning guys, Bethany you had a lucky escape from the brown snake as they are one of the deadliest snakes in the world. It must have been sick as they people.

  15. Please could you let us know where you got your bowls from? The ones you had the smoothies in x

  16. Hope all goes well for you at the hospital and ur enjoying your beautiful garden it’s blooming have a lovely time at the wedding and on holiday guys xx

  17. Your garden looks gorgeous Bethan you both seem a nice genuine couple, love watching your videos… hope you feel better soon, take care xx

  18. Fab and Elle has one of those shades and it looks really nice.Lovely to have such a nice garden to enjoy with family and friends ❤❤

  19. We dug out a border a couple of weeks ago in our new build and found so many bricks, It’s crazy! We love watching your videos ❤

  20. Yes, I was everywhere before your guests arrive and after and like you said nobody notices. I love your garden. They have some sails in Aldi think their in now but they’re smaller than what you want 😊xx

  21. Genuinely thought he was going to give her a ring but instead he gave her a nail 🙈 also do you have any advice with light patio stones? They look amazing but so many people say they are a nightmare to keep clean

  22. I love watching you guys! I have a sail shade would highly recommend. Mine is 3m x3m fixed to my house and 2 post. Easy to put up UV safe and showerproof as well. It'll give a really cosy Mediterranean feel to your space.

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