
Total beginner and absolutely lost lol

So this plant was gifted into my household almost 2 months ago and it's surprisingly still alive, has grown and even has a new leaf pushing through, again.

I've never (purposely) owned a plant (been gifted, all have died shortly, I'm sorry). She's been bitten a few times by my cat and I of course left her in the sun because plants+sun=profit so again, sorry, lol.

I ran her through Google lens after she miraculously survived the first month with me to figure out what she is since I've now oddly attached to her and her roots were growing through the nursery pot (?) and the only next size available to me was probably twice the size, and after reading some horror stories I'm scared I've now murdered her after repotting her (been two days, the new leaf has gotten out more?). So my question is, did I kill her? She seems fine now, but I know next to nothing about plants. All I know is that they like being misted but I don't have the equipment to do so so I've wetted her leaves and stems(?) with paper while singing her some lullabies.

Any advice is appreciated LOL, and sorry for the absolutely horrendous pic, my cam is very bad

by irrrrelevamt


  1. Stunning_Prize_5353

    The biggest problem with repotting is not pot size. The biggest mistake people make when repotting is they intentionally or accidentally compact the soil which deprives the roots of air. If you prepare the soil prior to use and take care not to press it into the pot you’re good no matter what size the pot is.

  2. Zealousideal-Top2114

    You haven’t killed it (probably,lol). I’d wait about a week then repot into a smaller pot and change out the soil to something “chunky” (google it). In the meantime just read up about care for this plant. Tons of info available.

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