Gardening Australia

White stuff growing on sage

Does anyone know what this white stuff is growing on my sage plant? Not the dew but there is some there else that has been popping up.

by smalloatlatte


  1. flyballoonfly

    Powdery mildew. Can treat with suffering, mancozeb or a milk/water mix.

  2. Illustrious-Taro-449

    Looks like powdery mildew to me. Remove all affected leaves. You can spray the rest with 50:50 milk and water, the bacteria leftover when it dries usually outcompetes the mildew but you have to spray every 2 days for about a week. And keep carefully removing leaves with white spots. Give it some seaweed for stress if u have some, might do better in a more open area where it’s less humid if possible, even up on a table will help

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