
What should I turn this into?

I’m looking for ideas for what to do with this outdoor arena. We don’t have horses and don’t plan on ever having them. It’s about 6” of sand on rocky substrate, and it’s a waste of our land. We have a garden and an orchard, and also some fenced in paddocks. So what should I do with this? No bodies of water, we’re on a well with no summer rainfall!

by huffymcnibs


  1. thewildbeej

    You ever seen Nope? Feel like wrangling a large alien like whale?

  2. Icy-Medicine-495

    Raised garden beds.

    Solar array.

    Looks flat so good spot to build a garage. Just need to excavate the sand.

    Sandbag factory or host sand castle building competitions.

  3. proverbs17-28

    Mud wrestling arena

    Everyone (including men) has to wear daisy dukes and a crop top

  4. kabula_lampur

    Looks like a good spot to bust some broncos

  5. Free-range daycare

    Edit: you should probably add some sort of shade tent, and a watering trough

  6. bitteroldladybird

    Could you put a couple greenhouses and raised beds there?

  7. fuyu-no-kojika

    where is this, looks like Sonoma county!

  8. Relative-Feed-2949

    Miniature goat obstacle course

  9. LONEGOAT13_

    It’s a perfectly good sand ring, rent it out and make income from equine enthusiasts.

  10. No_Mycologist4488

    The OK Corral, sorry couldn’t help it.

  11. Nice_Dragon

    Fire pit, picnic area,RC car track, playground, above ground pool, volleyball, dog agility…What do you like to do ? Work hard play hard!

  12. cowskeeper

    No horses but what about cattle? If you have cattle I’d use it for loading or isolating. Is it fence or livestock panels? If it’s panels I’d take it down and use it elsewhere. Then do whatever you what with the land. Fence, I’d just leave it but I end up with random animals. Or just take it down if you really don’t want it. You don’t have to repurpose it if there is no need

  13. July251964

    Ok, some amusing comments, but my advice is to leave it as is. Let the idea come to you…

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