Plant Propagation

Help me settle a debate with my wife

I love to make stuff. My wife is convinced we should sell stuff but I’m the “make it because it’s fun” type. Anyway, she says people might wanna buy these little prop tube setups I’ve been making for around the house. I’m less inclined but told her I’d post here and if the internet says it’s worth while, then I’ll give it a go selling them somewhere- farmers market or Etsy or something.

*this isn’t an advertisement because I’m not selling anything lol

by No_Outcome4668


  1. Automatic-Reason-300

    I know people gonna pay for that, would I pay for it? No, I use glasses or cut plastic bottles for that.

  2. scubydoes

    Saturated market. If you do it because it’s fun and find a way to make yours unique to differentiate your product then it could be a fun side gig. If you expect to make a living off of it, then probably not a great idea because of how saturated the market is with products and competitors. I suppose you could make a few, let her handle the selling part and if it takes off go from there. Low risk proposition if you don’t try to scale before you have enough customers.

  3. kalijessyraphael

    If you could find the right place, why not! A farmers market or something of the like would work well and I’m sure you’d meet interesting people. But if the commodification of your hobby makes you feel uncomfortable or burdened, give them away or keep them and just have a million. It’s not worth making you not enjoy your hobby anymore. If you included a prop, they’d make lovely gifts for friends and family for birthdays/holidays too 🙂

  4. Canela1998

    Oh I feel you. I’m really good with plants and art and I get family telling me I should sell either all the time but honestly to me it kinda devalues the experience. They’re so I can distract myself and find joy in them and the whole process of selling them feels inauthentic to the original purpose of why I enjoy doing it. Instead of it being fun and relaxing it’s just more of a burden to worry about. I’ve actually sold the byproduct of a hobby when I used to raise chickens I would occasionally sell eggs and I mean it’s fine but honestly not worth it. I mean those were different because I did get too many but if I hadn’t had so many I wouldn’t have done it, too annoying to deal with in my experience.

    Maybe it’s a weird stance but honestly I prefer just doing it for me, interesting also finding someone else who thinks the same jaja 🙂

  5. Retail-Weary

    If you made a set up that would accommodate multiple props and not just one? I’d buy it. I have two prop stations and they are always full.

  6. Could see that being a cool thing at a farmers market for sure. As someone else said I think it could make a great little gift too. Staining them (like your second pic) and/or painting a little design could make them much prettier than most people’s standard glass jar on the counter top.

    Thinking about it as a dad with small kids, I could see that being alluring if you package with those little paint things for a kids project + utility.

  7. ChickenbuttMami

    I think they’re so cute!! I like the minimal wooden look!

  8. Neither-Attention940

    As someone else said, the stands with a plant as a whole, would make a nice gift and doesn’t have to be expensive to make or sell.

    Now if you wanted to step it up a notch you could make designs in the wood. And people can swap a plant they like to a stand they like.

    I could see myself buying one. Not sure how much the block of wood would be, but for the set up I’d pay $10-$15 depending on the kind of plant. Not sure what other people would value it.

  9. BadBirthday2023

    Not kidding: I could use a BUNCH of these. A bunch.

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