
What’s going on? It looks like a whole different plant compared to a few days ago.

My mom picked this guy out, so I have no idea what it looked like when we got it (7 days ago). We’re both first timers when it comes to this type of plant.
I haven’t done anything differently, it was recently watered and repotted. It’s been away from the main plant area and with the other new ones. The others look fine upon inspection. It’s been under lights or in indirect/shady light when I’m working out in the quarantine area.

Photo 3 is what it looked like a few days ago (Wed).

What’s happened and what can we do to save this guy?

by Ok-Biscotti3414

1 Comment

  1. CymeTyme

    The plant generally looks fine. Is that darker area soft or mushy at all? If so it’s got a bit of rot in that shoot and you’ll want to pull it off.

    This Euphorbia is generally used to very high amounts of light in habitat in South Africa so it will prefer a very high light and warmer environment if you can provide it / ease it into it to get acclimated properly. My Euphorbia tubiglans is kept outside full sun in southern California year round.

    The new growth and growing tips look a bit etiolated (stretched out), so it definitely wants more light than it is getting, especially if it’s being fertilized at all.

    Some of the growing tips seem to have been previously damaged, there shouldn’t generally be pupping occuring on the growing tips of E. tubiglans, it should generally branch from the bottom of the plant / lower on the shoots.

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