
Help! What is destroying my roses.

I’ve noticed some black liquid on the buds of my roses. When watering them it comes off but it looks as if acid just disintegrated the bud 🙁 help?

by _mainevent321


  1. DangerNoodleDandy

    I belive you’re in the wrong sub.

  2. Xcekait

    I think you’re in the wrong reddit sub, friend

    But my first thought is June bugs or Japanese beetles. I could very much be wrong though.

  3. AtroposMortaMoirai

    You should try r/roses or r/gardening for advice about this.

  4. Alysprettyrad

    My first impression is that it’s coming from the roots. Some type of beetle’s nasty lil grub is fucking up your roses from the bottom-up

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