
How to help thrive? Time to split?

How to help thrive? Time to split?

by Snakeob510


  1. Snakeob510

    First time monstera owner and got this one about 6 months ago. Honestly it has taken off way more than I thought and I have a bit too much plant not enough space atm and not sure what to do from here. What’s the best way to help this one thrive and hopefully also reduce the single pot space it takes up. I am open to splitting to multiple pots if that may be the best option.

    Not sure how many plants I have in the pot but I think its more than one? I have noticed the soil has been starting to dry out a bit quicker but I have not checked the roots yet. It sits in front of a south/south-west window all day in Zone 9b Florida.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can provide, any advice is welcome!

  2. HelgaOlya

    You are right. To improve the growing conditions of the plant, it is important to provide it with suitable soil and the right location. Adding sphagnum moss, bark, and coconut chips will improve moisture retention and soil structure. Mineral aerators will help prevent water stagnation and improve aeration.

    Moving the plant from the south window to the west or east window will help avoid excessive sun exposure and overheating, which will also have a positive effect on its condition.

  3. ParanoidPlanter

    Wow that growth is amazing! Man how do people get their mondteras to grow so fast ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

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