African Violets

Violet not blooming

I've had this violet for three years and the past two she bloomed beautifully-this year I can't get a single bloom out of her. Nothing has changed in her care routine-sunny area, watering when the soil goes dry, fertilizing when growing season once a month. What can I try?

by littlebirdie91


  1. NewFrameOfReference

    I had a similar issue with my very first violet. I was really excited by the lovely pups it was putting out, and I was excited to get to propagate it. It didn’t bloom at all that year, and I later read that the plant puts its energy into the pups, not to flowering. Your foliage looks healthy from what I can see, so you may want to take a look at the base to see if you need to divide it.

    Also, if it’s too rootbound, it will focus all its energy into the foliage and not into flowering. It has to work hard to obtain nutrients and puts the limited resources to foliage, not flowers. It doesn’t like to be overpotted either, which can cause root rot.

  2. MarcoPolonia

    I wish I had a profusion of leaves such as yours. It appears to be a very healthy plant. IDK why no blooms.

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