Plant Clinic

Weird leaves discoloration and overall sickness of our peace lilly (more info in the comment)

Weird leaves discoloration and overall sickness of our peace lilly (more info in the comment)

by younaii

1 Comment

  1. younaii

    So we have a peace Lilly that’s over 20 years old. 2 years ago it was repotted and nearly died (I think because we put way to much fertilizer to a plant that just got repotted for the first time in 20 years).

    It was just getting better when we started to see weird things with the leaves:

    * Lots of little spots of discoloration (I can’t seem to find what kind of problem/pest/illness causes this type of discoloration)
    * There’s weird bumps along the main vein (pests?)New leaves are distorted, already discoloured
    * More old leave are yellowing and browning (more than what’s normal I feel). You can’t really see that in the picture of the full plant because we just gave it a refresh by cutting the damaged leaves before I thought to ask for help here.

    Here’s what I’ve been thinking about without coming up with a satisfactory answer:

    * I don’t think it’s overwatering, in fact underwatering is more likely in our case because my mother tend to water only when there’s sign that the plant is thirsty (droopy leaves)/when she thinks about it. But I may very well be wrong about that
    * The soil is only 2 years old but maybe if it’s already too dense it can causes this kind of problems?
    * Not enough fertilizer?
    * Too much of something in the soil?


    I’ll take any suggestion because I’m at lost here and I don’t feel like the situation is getting any better with time…

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