
Having a bummer of a week, but the garden never lets me down

If you are also having a shit week, I highly recommend hands in dirt

by sharksinthecarpet


  1. Blue-green-

    Beautiful pics of your garden, doggos, and chicken!

  2. Creative_Commons6905

    Lovely landscape with flowers . ilove your brown and the black flowers the lost (dog and chicken).What is the name of the flower in the 12th picture? I might try to find them in the shops next season.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Consistent-Leek4986

    wonderful. love the columbine!

  4. Creative_Commons6905

    Can these be grown from seeds at all?

  5. nimagooy

    What flower is the first one? It’s so pretty!

  6. Resting_Fox_Face

    Awesome, thank you for sharing. I hope next week is better!

  7. clauprins

    I hope next week will be better. Your garden is so beautiful.

  8. LadyDomme7

    #8 is lovely – sincerely hope that this upcoming week is better for you!

  9. Jane_Smith_Reddit

    Sending you a big comforting hug 🤗 and hoping next week will be better.

    Now to the garden: plants, flowers, dogs, chicken, ladybugs, butterflies. I love it ❤️.

    Gardening de-stresses me a lot too, agree with you on “hands to the dirt” recommendation.

  10. urban_herban

    Some people, like me for example, come here every morning to see how our fellow gardeners around the world are doing with this gardens. You are some photographer, in addition to being a superb gardener. I really love the composition of the one with your doggo looking for his ball.

  11. awgeezwhatnow

    I hope this week is better for you! 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹

  12. Boring_Lunch_3075

    I wish we were friends so I could come hang out in your garden! It looks like Heaven!

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