
What laid these eggs?

Central WV. Dented as if they were laid soft and sort of hardened up. We have box turtles but these seem way too big right?

by ThinkSharp


  1. Jubjub0527

    I was going to say box, snapper, or painted slider turtle. We used to find them all the time as kids.

  2. TheRealSugarbat

    Could be Rat Snake eggs. They look too elongated for turtle eggs.

  3. PeanutButterMouth

    FYI if you want them to live you shouldn’t move reptile eggs. Unlike bird eggs they should stay in the same position as they were laid.

  4. flat_four_whore22

    I love all these turtle egg posts sweeping reddit rn.

  5. the_surly_tinkerer

    I had a box turtle that used to lay eggs that looked like that.

  6. Younsneedjesus

    You can not move turtle eggs. They will not hatch now. Stop picking them up 😩

  7. Look_with_Love

    Do you have water nearby? They could be snapping turtle eggs. I’ve seen similar nests in my backyard (near a pond) that are dug up by fox and raccoons—they devour them. I believe it takes ~80-90 days for them to hatch.

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