
Heard you guys hate mint in the ground

The farm across from my mom plants mint fields every year and it smells divine in the summer

by RageBatman


  1. usernamechecksout67

    My ideal lawn is made of mint

  2. hallowdmachine

    Not at all. I just don’t like mint in *my* ground. I’d love to live across the street from a mint farm.

  3. FishRFriendsMemphis

    I wanna mow that and smell the fresh cut

  4. urnbabyurn

    Is it just for a ground cover between growing things to harvest, or is the mint harvested and sold?

  5. kiddosmtg

    Have all kinds of mint plants in my garden, love it for fresh mojitos and cucumber mint water

  6. CobblerCandid998

    Who hates mint? I have my own crop & when it blooms, the pollinators are minty fresh in love! 🐝❤️

  7. Dear_Bumblebee_1986

    That entire field was started with one plant that just spread.

  8. noel616

    I’m sure there’s plenty of people here who hate mint because of how obnoxious it can be…but you’d probably have better luck on r/NativePlantGardening…though some might take serious offense

  9. hellraiserl33t

    You’re telling me they have to *replant* mint every year?

    Don’t….don’t give me hope

  10. khoawala

    Add some trees…. They have no problem growing in the shade.

  11. waninggib

    I planted mint in the ground at my ex’s house about a year before we broke up. I often wonder how much it’s grown since then and feel a little bad, but also not that bad at the same time.

  12. dltp259

    I planted it as a lawn alternative. It can’t escape my yard and the bees love it

  13. anOvenofWitches

    The worst is when the mint gains so much height and stability that the morning glory then moves in and takes it down

  14. UFC_Intern169

    Always wanted to grow a big mint patch in the side yard for kitty to lay in.

  15. There was a mint farm several miles from my uncle’s place and during harvest the smell was ridiculously strong. Even worse is if you disturbed to old leavings left over from the pressing. Just nauseating and I like mint.

  16. xxxgerCodyxxx

    Welcome to the mint fields – motherf*cker

  17. Steven_The_Sloth

    Do you live near a little town called Jefferson?

  18. Desperate_Bet_1792

    Just plant some in the yard and it’ll take over I promise 🤣

  19. Bythegram_bot

    I’d love to know what the harvest/sale process is like. Are they selling as plants in pots? Are they selling as fresh mint as a herb (for cooking etc)? Do they process it in any way (dry, make extract etc)?

  20. triguenyo

    I planted mint in my backyard. It was a rocky patch where dandelions struggled to survive. After one summer that entire corner is now my mint forest and I Iove it

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