Gardening Austin

Suggestions please for landscaping around new pool

L-shaped pool with concrete deck; gazebo is on the concrete oval. Entire area will be fenced in (I live in the country, so I have to fence it all in to keep my goats/pigs from going for a dip). After researching pretty native and drought-tolerant plants, I came up with this rough plan. Key to plants in pic:
TC Turks cap
FCF Firecracker fern
RY red yucca
FA flame acanthus

When the pool got excavated (I have sandy soil), they found 11 reddish boulders ranging from 20” to 48” in length. I plan to use those as decoration among the plants. I want to use river rock, not mulch, to fill the beds. And I figured interspersing some Mexican fern grass, skullcap, and mealy sage among the boulders?

Does this seem reasonable? Overkill? Not enough? Other/better plant suggestions? I tend to like slightly more “sparse” looking landscapes, not super lush or busy, but I want color for birds and pollinators (and me!). I live on top of a sandhill, so lots of wind and almost no shade over this whole area (except partial shade in the lower left corner, below the gazebo).

Better suggestions than river rock for the beds? I have river rock around my house so it would tie in, but it’s a lot of square footage to pay to cover so I’m open to other (less $$) options.

Thanks for any input you can offer!!!

by Coolbreeze1989

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