
What would you do with this space? Tucson, AZ

This is my front courtyard and it’s not that exciting to me. I rarely ever spend anytime in it and when I look out my window it seems so bland. I’d love to spruce it up with so plants but I’m wary of snakes and packrats. Any ideas?

by superchuhi


  1. toolguy8

    Change the gravel to a color compatible with the house and add some large, interesting rocks that can be used as seating

  2. deceptivelynaughty

    And large colorful pots full of softer looking (get the help of the local nursery) plants!!

  3. Dead-lyPants

    Add a fountain, power wash the stones, call it a day

  4. hey_there_its_sarah

    It’s gorgeous! A trellis with bougainvillea on it would give color and shade.

  5. badfaced

    I love these Paseos on this style home it makes for a private/intimate entrance. What a vibe!

  6. Loquacious94808

    Small fountain, more cactus, more places to sit, some overhead lights at night, drinks by the fountain!

  7. arachelrhino

    In addition to more plants, I’d get more modern chairs and put them under the windows, then put a fountain where the bench is

  8. sneakerseverywhere

    Lots of great suggestions, if you can find someone to do it cheap, they could do a plan for you and do a mockup of what the space could look like.

  9. lesnortonsfarm

    Have the American gladiators standing there with those big foam batons every time you come and go

  10. bakingdiy

    I would change the rock to something more brownish, add some barrel cacti, and remove all the little statues, bench, etc. to make it cleaner and more modern.

  11. hollywoodextras2000

    Add a custom steel security door to help make it a private hang.

  12. SnoodleMC

    Thrift a crap ton of outdoor planters and get some succulents and drought resistant plants. Maybe a nice copper colored wind chime.

  13. luckey7573

    Slip or trip and take a header right into the cactus. Seriously though some basic stuff to add some color.

  14. twere_so_simple

    Bigger benches opposite each other if you actually might want to use it as a place to sit, if not then the little bench is out of place.

  15. wafflesandstuff

    Fog machine and lasers for the walk to and from the door.

  16. Metal-Alligator

    More cactus like pachanoi, long spine Peruvian, and some bridgesii.

  17. Sudden_Duck_4176

    Close it in and make another room for your house. Probably not feasible but I always think how another room could have been made with a space like this.

  18. Certain_Chef_2635

    To be honest, cats.

    But a bench, small fountain, plants that can handle local heat, etc would also do

  19. CapatainDreadnought

    Give the space a larger bench

  20. Norseman2409

    I’d be more concerned with the life of those asphalt shingles in AZ rather than upgrading that perfectly groomed space

  21. LuckyCoco17

    Build a moat, fill it with carnivores and consider your house protected. /s

  22. davisolzoe

    An open trellis over the walkway, with a grapevine maybe?

  23. If it were me, I’d redo that walk so that it curves, then put a mesquite tree in the curve. I love Tucson!

  24. If it’s within your budget, maybe a open green house, where you have rafters that’ll help with shade; a water feature does sound good but I think a misting set up would be just fine.

  25. Curiouser-Quriouser

    Not come home drunk! I would absolutely try to catch my balance on that cactus. 😄 Hope your side door is safer!

  26. JoySkullyRH

    Plant aloe, and any other succulent I can.

  27. Some_Lettuce8508

    Put a chair and small side table angled towards the opening and off to the right side for coffee in the am and a cocktail at sunset. Calm and beautiful.

  28. MandoNoPlandoe

    Dense succulent garden, blossoming cacti, really cool space

  29. PickUsernameIdk5

    Either add more cement to the sides. Or change the gravel color or and add black mulch and easy to maintain flowers

  30. Careless_Toe8692

    I live in a totally different area, 6b. But, I thunk some climbing succulents would be nice. Also, varieties height could be cool with some different sized planters. Something at the top for shade?

  31. SharkWeekJunkie

    FullY stocked bar and a TV with ESPN

  32. yourrealdad6988

    Shade mesh roof. Make a cooler space for shade plants. Won’t feel like Mars when you leave your front door.

  33. druscarlet

    I would visit my state’s Cooperative Extension Service website and search native plants. Rock reflects a lot of heat so keep that in mind. I would add native plants and remove the rock. Shredded natural cypress mulch would look good.

  34. mdhardeman

    I would fill one side with fake tombstones of my haters

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