Succulent Plants

Lovely day 🫠

Outback minding my own business then I hear a massive thud and see this crap… it mashed a few of my euphorbia types and killed my seedlings

by Kayno53


  1. lalaland1019

    I’ve watched this like 5x and I need to know: what broke the table?!

  2. candycookiecake

    I 100% expected a cat to come ripping through and crazily knocking everything over. This came out of nowhere!

  3. DanerysTargaryen


    This reminds me of the time my entire rack of potted succulents got knocked over by the wind. It was carnage 😭

  4. TerraVerde_

    Ooooooooh fuck that hurt so bad to watch. new fear unlocked yo thanks. so sad for the seedlings! glad the rest is mostly good.

  5. Caregiver-Direct

    Gosh! I’m glad you weren’t sitting at the table admiring them. Sorry OP 🫂

  6. Infinite-Fortune-464

    Wow I’m sorry that happened but grateful you weren’t at the table when it happened that’s crazy. You should send this video to whoever the table is made by maybe they’ll replace it or give you something to replace the broken pots, because that’s insane I’ve never seen a tae crack like that by itself. And I live in the desert everybody has that type of table.

  7. DarkMoose09

    This is the craziest thing I’ve seen all day. That table just said nope, and then left this earth.

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