
Habanero plant not growing or producing flowers

First time pepper grower here! Located in the PNW. I bought this habanero plant from Lowe’s about a month ago. I repotted it in a clay pot with drainage using potting soil. It gets sun all day, 70-80 degree days, and watering when the soil is no longer moist two knuckles down. It hasn’t grown at all and hasn’t attempted to flower. As you can see, it’s also not dying. I bought a jalapeño plant from the store as well and I’m already seeing multiple flowers and peppers coming in. What are some issues that may be going on here? I’ve looked online and I’ve seen that too much nitrogen could be the culprit. I’m also wondering if there’s too many leaves and it’s focusing too much on keeping them alive? Any help would be appreciated!

by MsSilverSprings


  1. Lanky_Value2774

    I am having the same issue with my Reaper plants. Also in the PNW. Hoping you get some good information.

  2. TheAngryCheeto

    I’m curious to know as well. I felt the same way about my home depot habanero transplanted a month ago. I had to compare pictures to see there was growth but it was definitely slow. Do you have any pictures from when you transplanted it?

  3. TheRed467

    Give it time. It’s only July. If it doesn’t produce just bring it inside and feed it over winter. Not a big deal

  4. FullMeltxTractions

    Super hots (chinense species) always take longer to start blooming than annum plants, which is what jalapenos are. Trust me it’s growing come back to us in a month if you still have seen no growth or flowering but I strongly suspect you will have seen both by then. And just because you can’t see it growing doesn’t mean it’s not it takes a while for the plant to set roots. And not a lot happens above ground when that’s going on. I have two habanero plants and only the one that’s advertised to be the fastest habanero you can grow which is the primero red, is fruiting yet and I planted them in their containers a month and a half ago. My orange habanero just started showing a couple flowers the other day and my Trinidad scorpion still hasn’t opened a flower. Be patient.

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