
adansonii or obliqua

Hi everyone,
I have two plant that I bought both mark as Obliqua but they actually behave differently
The first picture is a very slow in growing compare to the second picture that is faster. But I think they are two different variety but I am not sure. If anyone can help me to identify them correctly. Thank you.

by Weekly_Station_1955


  1. thatonegirlwith2dogs

    They both look like adansoniis to me. Also, just as a tip, I would recommend tying only the stem to the moss pole, not the petioles, as leaves like to move around, especially while unfurling.

  2. LexLutherisBald

    Both look like Adansonii. The first could be a narrow form (can’t see the shape of the leaves very well from that angle), but the second one is a normal round form adansonii

  3. filipha

    Please don’t tie the petioles, they need freedom of movement to thrive.

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