
What is eating my baby boys?? (Belgium, Zone 8b)

I’ve recently moved to Belgium from the United States, so I’m not familiar with what insects/animals could be the culprit(s).

I have a 50cm (19.685”) high chicken wire fence. I’ve seen rabbits (European hares maybe?) in the yard, but I assume the chicken wire fence keeps them out of the peppers. There are black slugs everywhere in the yard, but I’ve only ever seen one or two on the peppers. There were ants in the soil when I first turned it over and prepared the area. I sprayed vinegar and sprinkled baking soda in the soil and around the fence. The number of ants have decreased significantly, but maybe they are always underground when I happen to be checking on my peppers, I don’t know. The last picture is a dead worm (maybe?) that was on one of the leaves.

I don’t know if it will help to identify the insect that could be doing this, but there are nettles growing quite near the garden and an overgrown horse pasture (the neighbor’s) 3-4 meters (10-15 feet) away.

by water_fountain_

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