
Is this one is salvageable?

So little back ago, maybe week or less I had to prune a lot of the leaves off this bad boy because it was infested what either blight or some kind of fungal issue, never figured out what exactly. So I used rubbing alcohol and cleaned my clippers each time, anyways, I’m wondering if I maybe pruned to much off leaf wise, I’m sure I stunted its growth by taking off little more than half the plant but then again it’s not dying per se but then again it’s not growing as it should either. It’s kinda just existing.

My question at hand is, yall thing maybe she could bounce back and eventually produce or should I just put her out of her misery and add her to the compost (or maybe not add her to the compost since she at one point was infected with something). She was my biggest and healthiest looking one prior to the surgery I preformed, aside from the blight/fungal. It would pain me to see her go but understand if it’s better for her to go sooner than later.

Also these are Big Beef indeterminate if that helps any. I gave her a feeding of 8-24-24 on June 24th so I know she ain’t hungry.

Also peep the brown dog for extra wholesomeness.

Thanks in advance you tomato warriors.

by TrapiiOG

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