
Any hopes of saving?

Maple tree in our front yard had damage previously before we moved in. The tree had a minor split, but was thriving. Recently a windstorm sheared off a shoot that had the most damage behind it originally and the core was rotted out and hallow. So, it was only a matter of time until that dropped. Unfortunately, once that shoot fell it worsened the split on another and took it with it. This shoot is entirely healthy aside from previous damage, but it goes down to the trunk. Is there any hopes of saving this beauty?

I'll try to get better pictures of the trunk in a bit.



  1. DanoPinyon

    I wonder why I see so many descriptive phrases in the tree subs using ‘hallow’ of late. Anyhoo,

    I don’t know what you mean by ‘save,’ but the tree will not die tomorrow. Will it die in a year, probably not. 5 years, maybe. 10 years, a good chance. Will it continue to dramatically drop large limbs as it declines? Yes.

  2. CharlesV_

    Silver maple doing silver maple things.

    – Poorly structured Y branching? Check.
    – dropping limbs? Check
    – rotten on the inside? Check

    I agree with the other comment that the tree won’t die right away, but it’s also not going to recover. If the remaining branches overhang your house, I’d get it removed here soon.

    Where are you located approximately?

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