Plant Clinic

Philodendron leaning but still growing

My philodendron is kept on the kitchen window counter and it seems to be growing a it’s colour in the leaves etc. but as you can see it’s heavily leaving in one direction and I am not sure what to do.

The pot has drainage holes at the bottom and I water it maybe once or twice a week (usually checking if the soil is dry by doing the finger tip test.

What do I do? Do I repot it or what?



  1. That’s how they grow without support, they’re vining plants. You can support it with a moss pole or a plank. They climb trees in their natural habitat, so give her something to climb. You’ll need to be gentle and go slow getting it onto the support since it’s leaning so much. If you can’t stand it upright just get it part of the way upright and every few days try and get it closer to straight.

  2. let her do what she wants. if she’s healthy then it doesn’t matter

  3. TurnoverUseful1000

    I have a maranta that has beautiful vines on either side, think L & R. I want to train them to crawl/ creep as well as give some support. I decided to try using one of those smaller trellises that come in two pieces so you can snap the second one on for added height or what have you. I put one trellis on the L, using that green Velcro tape that you cut yourself, and one on the R. I think she looks cool with her “wings” pinned up. Once I train the vines I plan on finding something else she can climb on & to inevitably help with weight.

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