
Cocozelle “Most Flavorful Zucchini Ever ” Quick Harvest tips #zucchini #squash #garden

This is the cocoa zelle zucchini. it’s a classic Italian summer squash variety..

Best time to harvest is in the morning time Harvest between 6 to 8 inches ..

CocoZelle Zucchini is one of the most delicious tastiest zucchini ever..

one of the most tastiest zucchini in my opinion is the cocel come in the morning time Harvest within 6 to 8 in is a classic Italian summer squash variety it’s dark with light green stripe you see how it looks a little misshaped it right now it could be poor pollination the bees probably did not P enough or it could be changing enough the weather but it’s delicious overall


  1. I've heard people mention it before. Only have tried the yellow and dark green but I'm open to try new. The store only sell those two types
    Would have to get them online otherwise.

  2. I culled too many male flowers and now i have a bunch of female flowers and no male flowes on my 4 zucchini plants 😭 any suggestions?

  3. The inconsistency in the width is not due to poor pollination. Either the flower is pollinated or it isn't. It is from inconsistent watering. If you want a typical cylindrical zucchini, water the same amount every day. Or just eat it either way, they still taste good!

  4. My cocozelle seeds never sprouted. All of my green zucchini and yellow summer squash did and are huge right now. I really wanted this squash. I ran out of time and gardening space to try again. Next year it will be.

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