
How do I replant this yarrow?

I'll try to put a tl;dr at the end if this is too long

So I uprooted this yarrow plant from the side of the road yesterday, rinsed it and put it in a bottle of water with a very light amount of miracle gro, does anyone have a timeline on when and how I should go about transferring it to soil?

What Ive tried before:
So I've been doing this for the last three years with the same type of plant I've found on the side of the roads I'm near, they've all died, I've tried

-uprooting and placing it into soil directly after (no roots sprouted and it shrivled away)

-Uprooting and placing it into unfertilized water then planting it after roots sprouted (I'm not sure how many weeks it was but roots started to form and it died after I transferred it, maybe it was too soon?)

-uprooting it and putting it in water and leaving it in the water (the outcome of this is unsure because it was thrown out after a few weeks before I could fully observe it)

-digging it up from the ground with the soil and just putting it in a pot (still died for some reason)

ALSO there is a branch of the plant that is constantly submerged in the water, should I cut this part off? I'm concerned it will rot and use resources the rest of the plant needs

Tl;dr I uprooted this yarrow yesterday and immediately put it in some water, how can I get it to a point where I can transplant it into some soil, and how would I go about doing that?

by Au_naterrell

1 Comment

  1. PurpleMuscari

    I would put it in a pot with potting soil. Don’t plant it too deep; like make sure that root flair damn near aligned with the soil level. You will need to stake it up with something (bbq skewers work pretty good).

    Soak it in at first, but allow the soil to dry out in between watering. After a couple of weeks start giving it some gentle tugs to see if those roots are growing out. Eventually you should see more leafs coming out of the base and maybe some new flowers will develop. By fall you should have a robust enough specimen to plant in the ground (assuming that’s the end goal)

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