
Can i show you guys my first bouquet 🥹

Nothing special, just a cheap packet of seeds from Walmart. I've never grown flowers before so I'm a little excited lol

by GetItM0m


  1. QuadRuledPad

    They’re beautiful 🤌. Good on you!

  2. SunshineBeamer

    I got some called Holi and supposed to be doubles but first one was a white single petaled one, shucks. Then more petals showed up. Zinnias are nice, but weird sometimes. The bees must love yours too.

  3. lokisleigh

    So vibrant! Beautiful work & congrats!

  4. Connect-Preference27

    Stunningly beautiful. Great job. Doesn’t matter if they came from Walmart, look how they turned out.

  5. KittyYin83

    Gorgeous 😍 don’t forget to save the seeds when the flower heads dry out

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