Gardening Austin

The Texas Sage around town is on FIRE! Anyone know why they’re blooming so prolifically right now? I’m accustomed to this happening when rain is forecasted but that certainly isn’t the case …

The Texas Sage around town is on FIRE! Anyone know why they’re blooming so prolifically right now? I’m accustomed to this happening when rain is forecasted but that certainly isn’t the case …

by Tacos-and-Wine


  1. WalkwithWolves22

    so jealous. mine is in part sun (sunny from like 1-5:30pm) and its never bloomed once even though its now 4ft tall and wide 🙁

  2. TheMayorOfMars

    I also noticed this today and its rad. I think to myself I need a texas sage every year and then I dont do it.

  3. Space-Trash-666

    They are telling us that it’s gonna rain

  4. Necessary_Initial_94

    Maybe they got watered, I watered mine recently and they’re blooming, but they’re also newly planted. It could also just be a pressure drop.

  5. mauryandynasty

    Rain is coming next week. They are a barometer plant

  6. LightedCircuitBoard

    Wow they can get that tall?? I always see them cut down low. I might want to plant on fence line now. Full southern sun all day ok?

  7. My bees are absolutely loving this bloom!!

  8. falkorwoo

    Is it possible to propagate them? Have a couple, but I’d like more!

  9. Quirky_Flight124

    Cenizo is in prayer for rain whenever it’s in bloom. Hopefully we get more rain soon!

  10. Kind_Building7196

    yup! ours are going nuts and they’re huge

  11. goodnamesweretaken

    They’re known for blooming after a rain. They’re nicknamed the barometer plant for that reason, even though they’re not detecting when rain is coming, more so reminding you we just had some rain.

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