
Help. She’s a little droopy!

I put this baby in its own pot probably about a week ago and it has since become a little droopy. Is the pot to big? It was in fairly low light, (I moved it to the window for the photos) does it need more sun? I’m new to the plant game so any and all guidance is welcome 😊

by SilkGatorTattoos

1 Comment

  1. Canela1998

    If it was in water before you will need to water it more often at first so it can acclimate to soil. You don’t want the soil soaked just when it begins to dry water more. I mean it’s easier to tend to with a smaller pot but this isn’t too big for it. Really you can ignore those who say it is too big because it’s fine, people just like to be picky that this isn’t exactly like their guidelines suggest it needs to be. More or less is fine and it should be good. If you have it next to a window, not directly in front but to the side, that should be good. They like filtered bright light, say you stand next to a really dense tree you’ll get a lot of light but it’s still shady. That’s what they want really.

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