
First time owner, please help!

I have a spotted angel wing Maculata I purchased just about a week ago and it really hates me. I’m usually great with tropicals- monstera, Hoya, succulents, philos and pothos but I am in desperate need of advice. Lots of pics posted showing what is happening to leaves, and where I am currently keeping it light wise. It definitely doesn’t need water- if anything it’s been overwatered- but it looked perfect the day I brought it home. Should I cut off the terrible leaves and try to propagate? Would that help overall health. I’m so sad.

by Curious_Bathroom6207

1 Comment

  1. Ok_Kaleidoscope_1958

    Maybe it’s just going through shock as it acclimates to your home? The soil looks dry from the pictures though, I water mine when the top inch gets dry – they like being fairly moist but not soggy. I use an airy aroid substrate mix for my begonias and they seem to be thriving in that setup.

    Also, the new growth looks promising so I wouldn’t stress too much about it unless they start browning too then I would look into possibly underwatering/overwatering issues.

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