
My grandmother bought me a philodendron, is it in too small a pot?

The pot is about 4 inches. I’m not sure what type of philodendron it is, but I want to make sure it is happy. I have it under one of my grow lights right now.

by murrbleu


  1. ElaineMK2222

    Philodendron hederaceum, they like to be tight in their pots. I would recommend not repotting.

  2. Comfortable_Pilot122

    Very fast growing philodendron (philodendron hederaceum/ heartleaf philodendron) They’re comfortable being root bound and are AMAZING beginner philodendrons in my opinion

  3. Chance-Internal-5450

    Enjoy her and the sentimental value for ages. They’re easy, fast growers. Lovely plant to keep a lifetime!

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