
First non cherries of the season, SoCal

I started these from seeds I kept last season. So far each is true to the characteristics of the original plant. Actually this is the 3rd year Ive done that with these 3 varieties. Haven’t bought seeds for a while. They dont seem to be influenced much if at all by cross pollination by different varieties that are growing adjacently.

These are Black Krim, Cherokee Purple and Thorborns Terra Cotta. I’ve narrowed it down to these as far as what I want to grow each season besides the 3 cherry varieties I grow. Tried many other heirloom varieties and these are my faves. The Terra Cotta is a question mark for me as to whether I will run it again next season.

by No-MTBcaddy


  1. duckchugger_actual

    Damn! That’s a lot all at once. Great work!

    What do you taste as the primary difference between black krim and Cherokee purple?

  2. CitrusBelt

    Am in SoCal as well, and just wanted to say that I appreciate your using the term/mindset of “non-cherries” 🙂

    Depending on where exactly you are here, tomato season can vary *wildly* from year to year, and slicers are the true arbiter of how the season is going.

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