
Calathea successes! :)

I was asked to share the flowers on my calathea when they emerged properly a while back and thought i’d share my White Fusion’s success too! She was “rescued” by my Mum (I didn’t ask her too but she did anyway bless her) as little more than a leaf and a little bit of root, and a year on she’s thriving 💖 and my bigger calathea, the Jungle Velvet is thriving too! I’m so happy with them, some of my favourite plant babies!
PS: the white spots on these leaves are dust (trust me i’ve gone insane looking at it trying to figure out if theyre alive or not) and the damage on the Jungle Velvet is from the leaves rubbing against each other when emerging, I just leave the damaged leaves be on any of my plants unless they’re dead as I figure that’s how they are in nature too 🙂

by Weezeleti9

1 Comment

  1. hornycatlady69

    Well done! That is a beautiful jungle velvet 🥳

    I’m still looking to get my hands on a juvenile one, but they seem rather hard to find around where I live…
    They are always big mature plants 😅

    I recently got myself a white fusion.
    They truly are stunning! I love the purple colour that sometimes shows through the white parts

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