Plant Propagation

What did I do wrong?

This is my first time ever attempting to do any kind of propagation, and I decided to do a weeping willow tree. I only have one that made it. The only thing I did different from the one that made it to the ones that didn’t was that I added plant tone to the soil. Could it be the plant tone that killed them? I was watering them about once everyday. Could they have gotten root rot?

by glassman512

1 Comment

  1. Neither-Attention940

    I know it’s really easy to over fertilize. I’ve heard some people water down the fertilizer and then add just a little. Or use rooting hormone.

    One of my favorite quotes of myself..

    Plants are cheaper experiments than puppies and babies.

    It’s ok to kill plants (on accident). We’ve all done it! It’s how we learn.

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