
What is ultimately going to happen here?

Tree in my nearby park.

by el_nerdtown


  1. Burnittothegound

    There’s gonna some gorgeous dining room tables?

  2. huffymcnibs

    Ultimately, some know-nothing is going object to the aesthetics and have it chopped down and turned into mulch.

  3. Simple-Performer6636

    She’s probably gonna die of diabetes. Too much fried chicken

  4. TasteDeeCheese

    Crafts men


  5. Kos1012

    If i wanted to buy a burl of this size what would i pay

  6. highlift

    Mother of burl! Look at the size of that!

  7. Incognito409

    I think it’s going to explode.

    One day you’ll come outside and burls will be splattered all over the neighborhood.

  8. prtyfartsmeller


  9. TheKingOfSwing777

    From what I’ve seen that might be 6 figures of burl to the right buyer… intriguing!

  10. Likesdirt

    It will fall over and die or die and fall over, just like every other tree. 

    Not enough pictures to judge the timeline at all – the burl probably isn’t much of a factor at all but there might be bad news between the burl and roots. Or not!

  11. newlifefarm

    Ultimately, well, everything dies. Sorry to say. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

  12. Weekly-Impact-2956

    Best case? Some really nice dinning room tables could be made. Worse case? Some ascetics loser will come along and chop it down for mulch.

  13. boxedwinebaby

    Historically speaking, she’ll make a tape with a famous R&B singer, then get a hit reality show in E!, sign brand deals with absolutely everything, then never quite go away.

  14. PetSlinky

    As a tree enthusiast I would protect it as long as possible. As a wood worker, I would protect it as long as possible (with a water based sealant).

  15. got_damn_blues

    It will eventually swell to an unstable size at which point it will erupt with millions of tiny burls (or spiders) ready to take over the neighborhood

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