What's this plant

What are these flowers/plants?

The white ones have a bunch of bees around and the purple ones I see around town where I live (Northern Nevada)

by Any_Country7446


  1. uchidaid

    Russian Sage and Datura (sometimes called Jimson Weed).

  2. Fast_semmel

    Just wanna comment for the weird ass name. First ist Salvia yanghii. But all my homies still call it Perovskia atricipifolia.

  3. Manoratha

    White one is a Datura. All parts of the tree are poisonous if ingested.

  4. Reasonable_Equal99

    The 2nd plant s “Mad apple” one of genesis family of Nightshade plant!

  5. gardenersdelight1

    Russian Sage (the first one). It’s a super plant that can pull heavy metals out of the soil.

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