Native Plant Gardening

My 80+ boomer mom thought I was crazy when I railed against lawns (“the whole neighbourhood is gonna laugh at you!”). Who’s laughing now, ma?!

My 80+ boomer mom thought I was crazy when I railed against lawns (“the whole neighbourhood is gonna laugh at you!”). Who’s laughing now, ma?!



  1. Icy-Conclusion-3500

    Hey if she’s 80+ she’s not a boomer!

    Beautiful work though!

  2. ricecake_nicecake

    Wonderful work and a beautiful result! Looks like you got three generations in on the project. Well done.

  3. Willothwisp2303

    My Boomer Mom is a former hippy and got me started gardening and native plant gardening. My Silent Gen Father (86) is 100% on board with the no lawn movement and keeps wanting to cover more of their yard in plants. 

    It’s pretty hard not to love an abundance of beauty!

  4. NeroBoBero

    I went to college for horticulture in the late 90’s. Most professors thought native garden lawns were interesting in concept but impractical. Much of the problem was “the average person doesn’t know what they’re doing and it’ll look too weedy for the community.”

    In many cases they are right. I have a neighbor a block away that had an amazing native garden. They moved away 7 years ago and now it is a mess. The design was lost as the goldenrods overran the silphium and grasses.

    But when OP and others take the time to do it right, a native garden is just magical!!

  5. emseefely

    That’s some shit eating grin if I ever saw one! Congrats!

  6. Particular-Bet-4336

    the lighting on this pic makes it look fake to me.  i thought it might have been a meme or something.  how funny would it be if she hated the garden and you put a life size cardboard cutout there?

  7. jjmk2014

    Reminds me of Adam Sandler “They’re all gonna laugh at you!” This was popular approximately 30 years ago.

    Also, great work!

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