Plant Clinic

Help! What’s wrong with my cannabis plant?

Hello, I am a first time grower and my plant has these little spots all over . I only water the plant when the top layer of soil feels dry, so i do not overwater it. I keep it in a little greenhouse on rainy days.I have No idea what this could be or even If it is harmful to it, as it seems to grow rather rapidly.

It's a pretty wet summer so far, but it usually gets solid 16h of light.

Thank you for any hints to what this could be.

by DannyHei


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    While r/plantclinic permits posts related to outdoor plants, they are not the focus of this sub and you may not receive the advice you need. Please consider visiting r/gardening or r/ukgardening for general outdoor gardening advice, and head to r/marijuanaenthusiasts (a subreddit for trees, we promise) for advice related to trees and saplings

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  2. meatloafthepuppy

    could be scale- hard to tell from the pics.
    if the white spots can peel off its probably !scale

  3. AceValentine

    Do you mist the plant? Is the water you mist with distilled? If not could be fungal.

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