African Violets

Questions from a newbie

My grandmother grew AVs, and I was gifted in May a plant that was propagated from one of her plants (she passed 15 years ago). I lost about 8 leaves in the beginning either from watering incorrectly or not getting enough light. I switched her to a self-watering pot and gave her a plant light, and she’s been doing great since! She is sprouting new leaves all the time, and all her leaves are green and strong. Overall, I’m very happy with her growth and proud I haven’t killed her yet. But these are my questions:
– New leaves are growing from two different places (pictures above). Is this an indication of a split crown?
– No new flowers have bloomed. Other than adding fertilizer, what can I do to encourage new blooms?
– Finally, how do I create humidity for it? It’s on my dresser, and we don’t want it to be sticky and humid in the room while we sleep so I’m not sure how to address it.
– I was reading online, and the article said to prune the leaves regularly. How do you know when to prune or how often? I’ve only pinched off leaves as I saw them dying, but should I be doing it more often?

Thanks for your help! I am excited to see this continue to grow and maybe propagate some baby plants!

by IllustriousLab9444


  1. itskelena

    The leaves growing from the sides are baby plants. You can probably separate them if you’re careful and if you let them to grow a bit more. They might be the reason why it’s not blooming. The other reason might be not enough light. AVs ideally want around 12 hours of bright light to bloom well.

    What is your humidity? I wouldn’t bother with it, your plant looks fine. AVs can do well in regular home humidity.

  2. Catch1FallingStar

    Re pruning: leaves in the outer ring of leaves will age out at some point and can be pruned. When you choose leaves to remove, you want to aim for the remaining plant to have an overall round shape.

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