

We have a bear who has become enamored of our compost bin. I tried to block his access with big rocks but big rocks are not very big for him. Any ideas?

by Agreeable-Limit-3121


  1. SaltNo3123

    Not wise to throw food in a can while around bears. You have whole vegetables, try chopping a bit and add alot more brown.

  2. Former_Tomato9667

    You’re not gonna keep bears out of an above-ground container unless it’s thick steel. The only thing I’ve seen that reliably works around bears is buried can methods.

  3. sleepytornado

    I have the same compost bin and bears walk by it all the time. The only time they go after it is when food is left on top or not mixed in. Looks like you have nothing to mix your food into.

  4. The_Wookalar

    I’m surprised to see this – I get bears through my yard all the time, and they *never* mess with my compost pile – though they will occasionally carry a bag of my neighbor’s garbage back there to dismantle it looking for treats (they throw out a lot of baked goods and meal leftovers, which is apparently the enticement).

  5. biasdread

    From what ive heard stick a bucket infront full of ammonia with a lid on full of holes and they hate the smell. Or even put some in a spray bottle amd give the outside a spritz.

    This ones more strange but ive heard if you pee around the area it tells the bears its your territory?

  6. DamiensDelight

    Who the hell is composting full heads of purple cabbage and what appears to be, perfectly good zucchini/cukes? This isn’t composting as much as it is wasteful.

  7. kaahzmyk

    Have you tried putting a small padlock through the loop at the top of the sliding door? (I don’t have bears, so a twist-tie works to keep raccoons and possum out of mine.) The pic looks like the bears probably just slid the door up and off and easily helped themselves.

    As others have said, cover your greens with more browns so they can’t smell them as easily, but at this point they now know that’s a place where food is, so…

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